Chennai: As part of prisoner reform measures, Tamil Nadu Government has announced setting up a modern bakery unit inside Puzhal prison in the city. Part of the profit would be allocated for inmates producing the food.
Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa announced sanctioning Rs. 45 lakh to set up the unit and said the food produced at the bakery would be sold in the market.
Of the total profit earned from sales, 20 per cent each would be deposited in accounts of the prison inmates, the government and prison employees' welfare fund, a government press release here said.
The balance 40 per cent would be deposited in the Tamil Nadu Prison Department Manufacture of Goods Fund, to be created for this purpose. The government will also start The Tamil Nadu Prison Staff Welfare Fund as part of this initiative, it said.
Thanks: NDTV
Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa announced sanctioning Rs. 45 lakh to set up the unit and said the food produced at the bakery would be sold in the market.
Of the total profit earned from sales, 20 per cent each would be deposited in accounts of the prison inmates, the government and prison employees' welfare fund, a government press release here said.
The balance 40 per cent would be deposited in the Tamil Nadu Prison Department Manufacture of Goods Fund, to be created for this purpose. The government will also start The Tamil Nadu Prison Staff Welfare Fund as part of this initiative, it said.
Thanks: NDTV